If you have a fx-CG10, fx-CG20, or fx-CG50, download the file khicasen.g3a. The instructions for installing ΧCAS couldn't be easier. The fact that this was started in 2018, the software that it is based on put out the most recent stable release in December 2019, and the fact that he speaks of the Fx-9750GIII (which I've seen a lot of at my local retail shops), means that this project appears to still be active. According to the website, ΧCAS works on the fx-CG10, fx-CG20, fx-CG50 and Fx-9750GIII, Fx-9860GIII. Xcas (with an X (eks) not Χ (chi)) is a user interface for Giac. ΧCAS was developed by French programmer Bernard Parisse as a port to Giac/Xcas. I know this was brought up a few months ago in this subreddit, but there was very little discussion on how it is used or what to expect when installing it. If my old TI-89 could do 3D Graphs and use CAS to solve problems, why couldn't this Casio FX-CG50 I just bought?Įnter ΧCAS (Χ = the Greek letter 'chi', pronounced 'Key'). Just when I though 'Maybe I should have bought a graphing calculator that has CAS on it', a thought popped in my head.